Motivational Work

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!...

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!...

The children all had a great time celebrating Australia Day at school.  It was great to see them all dressed in their Aussie clothes.  The school was raising money to donate to the Yarloop Bush Fire Appeal.  Over $2100 was raised.  A huge 'Thank you' to everyone who assisted to reach this total.

New Class Councillors

Class Councillors

On Friday 12th February the class held elections to decide the Student Councillors for our class.  I am pleased to announce that Georgia Holt and Ashley Barnes have been elected to the positions for Semester 1.  Georgia and Ashley will be representing the class at Student Council Meetings. They are both very excited to represent their class and I am sure they will do their job extremely well.

 Click on their name to discover a few things about each of them.



Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Parent Information Night

Thankyou to all the parents who came to the Parent Information Evening last night.  It was nice to see so many in attendance.  I understand that not everyone was able to attend, or those that attended may want to go through it all again, so I have attached the Powerpoint, Information Sheet and Questionairre for you.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Welcome to Room 18

Welcome Back

Welcome back to what was Room 23.  The school has grown so much,  that the rooms needed to be re-numbered, so we are now Room 18.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday and is ready for an exciting year.

As you may have noticed, there is a new tab on the blog.  This is for Motivational Work.  

All motivational work is set every Monday and needs to be completed by Friday, ready for marking.   Please print any English and Mathematics worksheets, put them into your Motivational Folder and complete.  All work must be presented in a neat and tidy condition, just like in class.

Children have received their Practice Journal.  It has been designed so that everything they need for practise at home is on one weekly page.  Your child must remember to bring it to school every day.

Home practise is an essential part of your child's education. It is very important for consolidating what has been learnt in class and is also a valuable method of helping parents understand and support what is being learnt in the classroom. Home practise should only take up half an hour every night.  Each week you child will record their weekly spelling list, the phonic words we are studying for the week, their reading words to learn, their daily home reading book and any motivation work for the week.

Please tick or comment where your child has succeeded and initial that the work has been done.  It has been my experience that where students consistently practise at home, they are more successful than students who do not. Day

Friday 12th February is Aussie Day at Wattle Grove Primary School.  Your child can come to school dressed in Aussie gear, but no thongs thankyou.  

Please bring a donation for the Yarloop Bushfire Appeal.